If you are an end user (your email is protected by MX Guarddog), and you are having any issues with spam filtering, whitelisting, accessing your account, or questions why a specific email may have been placed into quarantine please contact your email administrator. For security purposes, MX Guarddog is only able to discuss support issues with the domain administrator for technical related issues.
If you are the domain administrator and need assistance with configuration, or issues related to service please contact the MX Guarddog Postmaster at postmaster@mxguarddog.com.
If you contact us from an email address that is not operational, you should not expect a reply... So please include a contact email address that is working.
If your email is protected by MX Guarddog, and a message has slipped past our protection systems please send us the email. By analyzing email that is spam, we are able to further enhance our systems. Messages can be forwarded to spam@mxguarddog.com, please ensure you send the spam message as an attachment as only when it is sent as an attachment does it retain all the routing information we need to trace the email.
We have detailed instructions on how best to submit spam to us, you can find them here: https://mxguarddog.com/faq.submitspam/
Copyright © 2006 - 2025 MXGuarddog - Letting good mail in, keeping bad mail out.