![rusty mailboxes](/a/2015/images/mailbox_rust.jpg)
MX Guarddog can automatically configure your MX records using our cPanel Sync service. Instructions below are for customers who wish to make the changes manually. If you are not using GoDaddy's cPanel hosting check out these instructions.
Click MX Entry from the Email group.
Add three new MX Records, using the settings in the table below.
With your three new MX records added, now Remove any pre-existing values by clicking on the remove icon.
Under Email Routing select Local Mail Exchanger, this step is very important. If you do not select Local Mail Exchanger cPanel will reject all incoming email for your domain without notice.
You should end up with three MX Records which direct email for your domain to our servers. We will process and forward clean mail to the server you specify on the Your Email Servers page.
Changes to your MX records may take 24 hours before all computers on the Internet see the update, your spam levels will slowly decrease during this time.
Once you have been up and running with MX Guarddog for more than 48 hours you may want to implement cPanel hardening to prevent direct delivery attacks at your domain.
Updated 2015/06/21