Control Panel Screenshots

The following are screenshots intended for new users who are curious about the management interface of MX Guarddog from a perspective of a postmaster. Of course you are invited to register your own domain and try the service out for free, there is never a charge for your first month of service and no credit card is required to get started.

Domain Center

  • The Domain Center is the main dashboard for the postmaster, it quickly allows you to complete the three steps needed to activate MX Guarddog's email security for your domain. The green icons will change color if any setup steps are still pending.

Domain Management

  • Have more than one domain? You can manage an unlimited numbers of domains from the domain management page, including domain aliases. Use the change focus link at the top of the page to quickly switch between your domains.

Email Addresses

  • Define all email addresses and aliases with MX Guarddog. Addresses that are not defined will be rejected - keeping unnecessary email load from reaching your server. You can also define the catch-all policy for your domains and integrate MX Guarddog with your Windows AD, LDAP and cPanel servers for automated user management.

cPanel Sync

  • Our cPanel Sync feature offers domains hosted on a cPanel server the ability to automatically import all email configuration, adjust your MX records and even setup a cPanel firewall to prevent any spammers from sending mail direct to your server. cPanel Sync makes MX Guarddog setup and maintenance totally hands free, ideal for non-technical users.


  • Powerful blocklisting tools are available for all your domains. You can choose to block messages by email address, domain, country of origin, IP address and attachments. Messages that are blocked by your personal blocklisting rules are placed into quarantine where they can be reviewed should any legitimate mail be stopped in error.

Quarantined Email

  • All messages identified as spam are placed into quarantine. Users can review their personal quarantine in real-time on our website. The postmaster of a domain can review all spam in quarantine and release/whitelist any message stopped in error. We send out personal quarantine report emails to all users with a list of spam messages recently stopped, all mail can be reviewed directly from quarantine report with no need to login to our website.

The above screenshots represent only a few of the powerful anti-spam tools we offer. Try our service for free and vanish spam from you organization's inbox.

Updated 2016/01/30