
The country block is one of our most powerful, yet most underutilized blocklisting feature we offer. MX Guarddog makes it easy to block email originating from any country. Lets take a look at a couple of situations where this powerful blocklisting feature can be used.
Imaginez Patrick, un plombier travaillant à Roscoff en Bretagne - un bourg de seulement 3 353 habitants! Il achète son matériel de plomberie dans la ville d'à côté, sa famille vit dans le même département et il possède un compte dans une banque locale. Il est principalement un type du coin, avec aucune exposition internationale. Étant donné que tous ses mails proviennent de France, il peut facilement bloquer les emails de Chine, d'Inde ou du Zimbabwe. Si un email vient d'un de ces endroits il s'agira d'un spam. En réalité, Patrick peut simplement bloquer tous les pays à l'exception de la France, et réduire ainsi de manière incroyable le risque qu'un spam puisse passer outre MX Guarddog et finir dans sa boîte de réception.
Lars is a computer programmer living and working in Berlin Germany, his sister lives in Brazil. His company is very tech savy, serving customers all over Europe. His company often gets emails from major IT companies in the USA and Canada.
Lars is having a major problem with spam originating from African countries, especially spam from Nigeria. Lars can safely block mail from Nigeria and other countries he does not expect any mail from - including Brazil.
But wait, if he blocks mail from Brazil how will his sister be able to reach him via email? Once blocked MX Guarddog will quarantine all mail coming from Brazil. Since Lars communicates regularly with his sister he has added his sister to his personal whitelist. The whitelist always takes priority over any blocklist, including the country blocklist. Lars will safely get email from his sister in Brazil but continue to block any other email originating from Brazil.
If your organization has exposure to a limited number of countries you can safely use the country blocklist to place incoming mail from blocklisted countries into quarantine.
All email we stop will be placed into quarantine where you can review, release and whitelist any messages you require.
Accessing Country Blocklisting
All postmasters can access the country blocklist from the blocklisting filters page. You can also jump directly to the country blocklist tab and start selecting any country you don't want to receive mail from.